This option is a partition.
You must choose one of the following options:
Total Difficulties Score
Emotional Symptoms Scale
Conduct Problem Scale
Hyperactivity Scale
Peer Problem Scale
Prosocial Scale
Impact Score
Item 01 - Considerate
Item 02 - Restless, overactive
Item 03 - Often complains of headaches
Item 04 - Shares readily
Item 05 - Often loses temper
Item 06 - Rather solitary
Item 07 - Usually obedient
Item 08 - Many worries
Item 09 - Helpful
Item 10 - Constantly fidgety
Item 11 - Has at least one good friend
Item 12 - Often fights
Item 13 - Often unhappy
Item 14 - Generally liked
Item 15 - Easily distracted
Item 16 - Nervous
Item 17 - Kind to younger children
Item 18 - Often lies or cheats
Item 19 - Picked on or bullied
Item 20 - Often volunteers
Item 21 - Thinks things out
Item 22 - Steals from home
Item 23 - Get along with adults
Item 24 - Many fears
Item 25 - Good attention span
Item 26 - Difficulties in areas
Item 28 - Upset or distress child
Item 29 - Interfere with home life
Item 30 - Interfere with friendships
Item 31 - Interfere with classroom learning
Item 32 - Interfere with leisure activities
Item 33 - Burden